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samedi 28 septembre 2013

Question n°8 : Réponse

Voici avec un peu de retard la réponse à la question n°8 :

Le train était composé de 109 wagons, et Galinette a trouvé le chiffre exact, bien joué !!!

Dommage Thomas, à un wagon près :o)

Galinette remporte 1 point

9 commentaires:

  1. Romain- This is Mickey, wife of Ed, the man who helped you pick the right road in that Dairy Queen way back on your journey through Kansas. I wanted to thank you for sharing your blog with us. We get up every morning eager to read where you are and what adventures you are having. It is so wonderful to see our country through your eyes. We are so amazed by your sense of adventure. It was a lucky day that we met you in Belleville, Kansas and found out about your and Penelope’s fantastic journey. Good luck on the last leg of your adventure. We love your pictures and your stories!

  2. Romain- This is Mickey, wife of Ed, the man who helped you pick the right road in that Dairy Queen way back on your journey through Kansas. I wanted to thank you for sharing your blog with us. We get up every morning eager to read where you are and what adventures you are having. It is so wonderful to see our country through your eyes. We are so amazed by your sense of adventure. It was a lucky day that we met you in Belleville, Kansas and found out about you and Penelope’s fantastic journey. Good luck on the last leg of your adventure. We love your pictures and your stories!

  3. Hi Mickey and Ed, I remember perfectly this day I met you in DQ, it was a hot and windy day for me!!!
    Ed said me to go to Concordia to join road 24, and it was the best choice for me, because this road was beautiful, and it was easy to find fresh water!
    Thank you for your message, I finish my trip in 2 weeks, and it is a very good experience for me to meet american people and to see your beautiful country.

    See you!

  4. Ah sur ce coup la j ai eu de la chance un point de plus yes
    Gros bisous et bon courage galinette

  5. Hi Romain

    I thought you knew count up to a hundred, that is why I had put a number less than 100 !



  6. Put... merde!! J'ai droit à un demi point?

  7. Bonjour Romain,

    Tu prends tes 109 Wagons x 1,609344 (conversion Miles / Km) x 0,03 (Conversion onces / litres) x 8 (Numéro de ta question) + 8 = 50 !! (MA REPONSE). Je suis déçu que tu n'aies pas vu le ratio !!.
    Ma réponse mérite 1/4 de points?.
    A bientôt,

  8. salut romain on te suis depuis que tu est partis c est super alors bon courage pour la suite regis martine
